School Health/ Mental Health Services
School Health Services
The TCA health office is staffed full-time by Ms. Arlene Seashore, School Health Assistant. Navigate Consulting also provides School Nursing Services and works directly with Ms. Seashore. The health office can provide families with consultation on outside resources as needed. The health office phone number is 651-313-6571.
Health Concerns
If your child has a health condition that may impact his/her school day or learning, please discuss this with the Health Office so appropriate support plans can be made.
Students who have restrictions from physical education must obtain a doctor’s note indicating specifically what the limitations include and the lengths of time restrictions are needed. This note is to be presented to the physical education teacher, who, in consultation with the health office will develop a program to fit the student’s restrictions.
When is my child too sick to go to school?
- If a child has had a fever greater than 100 degrees or higher, they should stay home for 24 hours after the temperature has returned to normal (and stayed normal without fever-reducing medication).
- If a child has a rash that is disease-related or if the cause of the rash is unknown, check with your clinic before sending the child to school. Many rashes are very contagious.
- If your child has vomited, they should stay home until 24 hours after the vomiting has stopped.
- If your child is too ill to go out to recess (with certain exceptions) they are too ill to come to school. Check with the School Nurse regarding exceptions.
Additional information about TCA’s School Health Services can be found in the TCA Student Handbook.
Health Care Resources for Families
TCA provides information to students and families on the availability of healthcare coverage through the Minnesota health care programs and how to obtain an application for the Minnesota health care programs.
Families can also obtain more information about how to access Minnesota health care programs on the Portico Health Net website.
School Mental Health Services
School mental health services are available to provide school counseling and therapy for all TCA students. Students may meet with the social worker, counselor or therapist individually or in groups. If you have questions about TCA’s mental health services, reach out to Ms. Lisa Dennis, school counselor, at 651-313-6570 or
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis please call 988 for emergency service. If you are looking for free or low cost mental health care, see here:
Free and Low Cost Mental Health Services
Health Forms and Information
Access all health forms and additional information at the Health Services Resources page.